发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2023 Variations in the soil micro-food web structure and its relationship with soil C and N mineralization during secondary succession of subalpine forests Science of The Total Environment Liu Jia, Fang Kai, Kou Yongping, Xia Ruixue, He Heliang, Zhao Wenqiang, Liu Qing SCI
2023 Biological nitrogen fixation in barren soils of a high-vanadium region: Roles of carbon and vanadium Soil Biology and Biochemistry Wang Jipeng, Zhao Qian, Zhong Yiqiu, Ji Shuhao, Chen Guanrui, He Qingqing, Wu Yanhong, Bing Haijian SCI
2023 Contrasting responses of microbial diversity and community structure in decaying root bark and xylem to N addition in an alpine shrubland Soil Biology and Biochemistry Wang Dong, Olusanya Abiodun Olatunji, Xiao Jinlan, Zhao Wenqiang SCI
2023 Extraradical hyphae alleviate nitrogen deposition-induced phosphorus deficiency in ectomycorrhiza-dominated forests New Phytologist Zhang Ziliang, Guo Wanji, Wang Jipeng, Lambers Hans, Yin Huajun SCI
2023 Developmental regulation of conserved non-coding element evolution provides insights into limb loss in squamates Science China Life Sciences Wang Zeng, Peng Changjun, Wu Wei, Yan Chaochao, Lv Yunyun, Li Jia-Tang SCI
2023 Rock fragment content alters spatiotemporal patterns of soil water content and temperature: Evidence from a field experiment Geoderma Huang Long, Bao Weikai, Hu Hui, Traselin Nkrumah Deborah, Li Fanglan SCI
2023 Nitrogen uptake preference and allocation in Populus cathayana in response to drought stress Environmental and Experimental Botany Luo Lin, Zhao Chunzhang, Zheng Donghui, Wang Entao, Liang Jin, Yin Chunying SCI
2023 The contrasting responses of abundant and rare microbial community structures and co-occurrence networks to secondary forest succession in the subalpine region Frontiers in Microbiology Zhang Xiaoying, Zhao Wenqiang, Kou Yongping, Fang Kai, Liu Yanjiao, He Heliang, Liu Qing SCI
2023 Divergent responses of plant functional traits and biomass allocation to slope aspects in four perennial herbs of the alpine meadow ecosystem Frontiers in Plant Science Zhou Tianyang, Du Wentao, Wang Jinniu, Zhang Lin, Gao Jing, Shi Ning, Wang Lihua, Wu Yan, Tian Binghui SCI
2023 Understanding the taxonomic homogenization of road-influenced plant assemblages in the Qionglai mountain range: A functional and phylogenetic perspective Frontiers in Plant Science Li Honglin, Luo Peng, Yang Hao, Xie Wenwen, Luo Chuan, Jia Honghong, Cheng Yue, Huang Yu SCI
2023 Precipitation, rather than temperature drives coordination of multidimensional root traits with ectomycorrhizal fungi in alpine coniferous forests Journal of Ecology Ding Junxiang, Yin Huajun, Kong Deliang, Liu Qing, Zhang Ziliang, Wang Qitong, Guo Wanji, Valverde-Barrantes Oscar J., Wang Junjian, Liu Zhanfeng SCI
2023 Identification of thyroid hormone response genes in the remodeling of dorsal muscle during Microhyla fissipes metamorphosis Frontiers in Endocrinology Liu Lusha, Liu Qi, Zou Xue, Chen Qiheng, Wang Xungang, Gao Zexia, Jiang Jianping SCI
2023 Temperature drives the coordination between above-ground nutrient conservation and below-ground nutrient acquisition in alpine coniferous forests Functional Ecology Ding Junxiang, Ge Wenjing, Liu Qing, Wang Qitong, Kong Deliang, Yin Huajun SCI
2023 Shifts of understory vegetation induced by thinning drive the expansion of soil rare fungi Journal of Environmental Management Qiang Wei, Gunina Anna, Kuzyakov Yakov, Luo Ruyi, Zhang Yan, Liu Bing, Pang Xueyong SCI
2023 Land use change alters phosphatase enzyme activity and phosphatase-harboring microbial abundance in the subalpine ecosystem of southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China Ecological Indicators Azene Belayneh, Zhu Renhuan, Pan Kaiwen, Sun Xiaoming, Nigussie Yalemzewd, Gruba Piotr, Raza Ali, Guadie Awoke, Wu Xiaogang, Zhang Lin SCI
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